Hello, I am Jack Tomasik!

Full Stack Software Engineer

a picture of Jack Tomasik smiling



Description: Create and share photos of great memories, like other's posts, comment on their memories, search by name or tags, get recommendations for other posts based on tags.

Stack: React, Express, Node, Redux, MongoDB, Mongoose.

Twitter Clone built with T3 Stack

Description: Log in to your Discord account using NextAuth.js to create and interact with other users and their tweets.

Stack: Next.js, React, Typescript, React, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, tRPC, Prisma, NextAuth.js

Workout Routines

Description: Find exercises based on target body part, muscle group or equipment you select, learn the exercise by watching a gif and follow links to tutorials on Youtube.

Stack: Javascript, React, Material UI, RapidAPI, ExerciseDB API, YouTube API.

Trip Camp

Description: Vacation and travel booking website.

Full stack clone of popular website known as HipCamp, allows users to create an account find different travel sites, book them and leave a review.

Stack: Javascript, React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL.

Music Controller

Description: Connect to your Spotify and share playlist powers.

Full stack web application using Django and Python on the backend. Built with Material UI components and React JS on the frontend.

Stack: Python, Django, Javascript, React.

Art Map San Francisco

Description: Use Google maps to discover art exhibits and learn about them.

Stack: Javascript, CSS, HTML, Google Maps API.

My Skills












Git and GitHub








Ruby on Rails

About Me

Developer, Designer and Engineer based out of San Francisco

Hello! Thanks for checking out my page!

I am Jack, a software engineer based in the SF Bay Area.

Growing up in Berkeley, California, I had a very unique childhood and high school experience. Living walking distance from Cal campus in a city full of people from all over the world, I have first hand experence with every group of people and a wide variety of international cultures.

Majoring in International Studies at the University of Oregon with a minor in Spanish, I was able to continue my life long passion of learning about the world and how life can be viewed from many different perspectives. I was able to live in Argentina for four months during my study abroad Spanish immersion program. This confidence and determination from challenging myself to learn Spanish by actively participating, pushing my comfort zone to overcome the language barrier and other challenges has carried over to my software engineering career.

Starting during the pandemic lockdown, I have challenged myself to learn more and to work hard to improve myself and my skills every day. I began my coding journey with the semi-famous online Harvard class "Introdcution to Computer Science" and have then proceeded to learn front-end using Javascript on the instructional platform Scrimba, followed by back end and full stack web development using Node.JS and Express from the top rated coding bootcamp App Academy where I now teach.

In my free time I have cofounded a healthcare Saas Company called RecordOp where I work as a software engineer, CPO and head of sales. Our software uses Next.js and our custom built API for integrating EHRs and automating doctor alerts for critical care based on lab results and patient test data.

Jack with baby Alpaca