
Photo uplodading and sharing website

Info: I made built website after graduating from my bootcamp, building out the capability for sharing photos, likes comments, tags on photos and search features.

Description: This project involves the MERN tech stack with user auth and a database search fature.

I used Google Oauth 2.0 for the login, where only logged in users can utitlize the features while non-logged can only view posts

Users can create pohtos, used tags to identify the posts for search queries and write about the memory connected to their picture.

Additionally, users can like others posts, I am currently working on live comments on posts as well as recommended posts by tags.

Stack: For this project I used the MERN tech stack, with Material UI library for building front end components and styling.

Node.js for the backend using the Expres framework with React on the front end and Redux to manage the state.